Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Character Analysis: Dr. Eggman

Just so you know...

This analysis of Dr. Eggman will be focusing on his appearances in the games' main canon and closely tied media, like Sonic X and IDW Comics. Anything done within the Archie Sonic universe will NOT be included.


As a child, Dr. Ivo Robotnik looked up to his grandfather, Professor Gerald Robotnik, and believed him to be a hero that had done his best to help humanity. Thus, he decided to follow in his grandfather's footsteps and became a scientist himself. However, Eggman would become obsessed with the idea of an entire planet under his control and would dedicate the rest of his life to conquering the world. On his question to world domination, Eggman would meet the one and only Sonic the Hedgehog. While the nature of their meeting is unknown, the two would become rivals, with Sonic proving himself to be Robotnik's greatest enemy. No matter how many times Sonic thwarts his plans however, Eggman remains persistent, and continues to create machines that pushes the Blue Blur to his limits to this day.


Eggman has shown on numerous occasions to carry guns on his person.

A jetpack Eggman uses to fly.

Cloning Device
A cloning device used to create clones of who they hit.

Solaris Prototype
A machine built by Eggman. This machine controls the flow of space-time and can be used to travel through time. This ability is used to send Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles 200 years into the future.

Mind Control Cannon
An artificial ray used to mind control others. While Eggman uses hyper-go-on energy to power the mind control cannon in Sonic Colors, it's been shown in Sonic Runners that he can use the Chaos Emeralds to power the mind control cannon on a planetary scale as well.

Ray Gun
A ray gun Eggman uses to shoot down Tails' bi-plane in Lost World.

Teleporting Device
A device used to teleporting others to the Twilight Cage, another dimension.

Metal Virus

A synthetic concoction that transforms organic tissue into robotic slaves. The Metal Virus incapable of infecting inorganic material however.


Eggman's glasses are capable of locating Chaos Emerald.

Chaos Emeralds
A set of mystical objects that are said to grant near infinite energy through the use of chaos energy. Depending on the thoughts and motivations of the user, they will generate either positive or negative energies. While it's never specified which type of energy Eggman generates when using the emeralds, given his motivations, it's likely negative energy. Eggman has used the Chaos Emeralds on numerous occasions to power certain machinery.

Master Emerald
Another sacred gem created by the gods to act as a counter to the Chaos Emeralds. The one who controls the Master Emerald can nullify and control the Chaos Emeralds. Eggman has used the Master Emerald to power certain machinery.  

Phantom Ruby
An interdimensional gemstone of incredible power. With the Phantom Ruby, Eggman can warp the fabric of space-time to warp others across space, influence gravity, and open holes in space-time. The ruby can also be used to create illusions, repair broken machinery, enhance size, or turn virtual projections into matter. Eggman believed that the Phantom Ruby's powers outclassed even that of the Master Emerald's. The Phantom Ruby's illusionary powers have also been shown capable of working on robots, like Omega

Sonic Chronicles Equipment
Eggman can equip himself with various types of equipment from Sonic Chronicles. Various pieces of equipment can revive characters from a deadly blow once, heal the user overtime, infuse attacks with the element of wind, earth, fire, water, lightning, etc. 

The immunity idol prevents negative status effects

A full list of items in Sonic Chronicles

Small winged creatures that grants characters various boosts in stats or special abilities.

A full list of chaos in Sonic Chronicles


Eggman has access to various power-ups, which are commonly found in item boxes. The following are a list of power-ups Eggman and his forces have used. https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Item_Box
  • Invincibility: A power-up that temporarily makes the user invincible and harms enemies who come in contact with them.
  • Shield: A power-up that forms a shield around the user to protect from a deadly blow once.
  • Blizzard Bomb, Dead End, Frozen Chomper Chomp, Ice Boost, Ice Mine, Ice Wave: Power-ups that freezes others
  • Bubble Bomb, Illusion Mine: Power-ups that screws with a person's vision or control
  • Chao-nado: A power-up that steals speeds and temporarily gives it to the user
  • Lightning: A power-up that strikes others with lightning


A species of alien lifeforms that grant Eggman a wide array of powers. Eggman has harnessed the Wisps' energy to power certain machines and have used their powers personally in Team Sonic Racing. 

A video showing all of the wisps' powers in action
  • Black Wisp (Black Bomb) - Throws a bomb forward that detonates
  • Blue Wisp (Blue Cube) - Drops a cube on the ground
  • Crimson Wisp (Crimson Eagle) - Fires an eagle shaped projectile that homes in on enemies before detonating upon impact
  • Cyan Wisp (Cyan Laser) - Fires a continuous laser
  • Gray Wisp (Gray Quake) - Creates stone pillars that emerge from the ground
  • Ivory Wisp (Ivory Lightning) - Strikes enemies with lightning
  • Jade Wisp (Jade Ghost) - Turns Eggman invisible and intangible 
  • Magenta Wisp (Magenta Rhythm) - Creates musical notes to disorientate others
  • Orange Wisp (Orange Rockets) - Fires rocket shaped projectiles
  • Pink Wisp (Pink Spikes) - Creates three spiky balls that orbits around him
  • Violet Wisp (Violet Void) - Creates a black hole that sucks in projectiles 


Egg Mobile
Eggman's multi-purpose hovercraft piloted as a personal means of transportation and attack vehicle. The Egg Mobile can be fitted with a wide array of weapons, like a wrecking ball or knockout gas,  and is known for its universal compatibility to combine with Eggman's various vehicles and creations. The Egg Mobile is also capable of teleporting.

Egg Mobile-D
A dune buggy-like vehicle with a large spinning drill on its front end. Said drill can be fired as a projectile.

A large walker created for battle and transport. It has a rifle-shaped Volkan Cannon on the right side of the cockpit and a large and elevated Lock-On Missile Launcher on the left side of the rear. On the bottom, it is equipped with two heavily armored legs. The Eggwalker can also fire a powerful laser.

Protective Armor
Increases the Eggwalker's defense.


Egg Robo 
Soldiers designed to carry out tasks in Eggman's stead. Egg Robos tend to come equipped with jet packs, and bombs, and laser guns. Egg Robos are also capable of piloting the Egg Mobile as well.

Egg Pawns 
Eggman's common foot soldiers. Although the Egg Pawns are weak, their immense numbers make them one of Eggman's greatest threats. They also come in different varieties, each one having its own unique set of skills.

  • Egg Spears: Egg Pawns armed with long lances
  • Egg Bazookas: Egg Pawns armed with heavy laser-firing bazookas
  • Egg Guns: Egg Pawns armed with high-speed machine guns
  • Smooth Shields: Egg Pawns armed with smooth, rectangular shields
  • Spiked Shields: Egg Pawns armed with spiked shields
  • Metal Shields: Egg Pawns armed with metallic shields

Egg Pawn Variants
  • Egg Bishop: Spellcaster-based variants of Egg Pawns
  • Egg Bomber: Bomb-armed variants of Egg Pawns
  • Egg Hammer: Larger variants of Egg Pawns that carries a hammer
  • Egg Knights: Gold-plated Egg Pawns that carry spears and shields
  • Egg Pawn Bunny: Egg Pawn variants that bounce on pogo sticks
  • Flapper: Ariel variants of Egg Pawns

Egg Fighters
Eggman's primary foot soldiers during Sonic Unleashed.

  • Sword -  Egg Fighters armed with chainsaw swords
  • Shield - Egg Fighters armed with shields
  • Electric Shield - Egg Fighters armed with shields that electrocute others
  • Spring Shield - Egg Fighters armed with shields with springs on them
  • Knight - Egg Fighters armed with shields and chainsaw swords
  • Egg Shooter - Egg Fighters armed with hand cannons

Considered to be elite versions of the Badnik robots. Most models of the E-Series are equipped with lock-on missile launchers, jet boosters, hovering devices, etc.

A list of E-Series models

Shadow Androids
Robots created that are identical to the Ultimate Lifeform, Shadow the Hedgehog. These androids can withstand more damage than Egg Pawns, mimic Shadow's homing attack, and can fire tracer missiles from their hands.

Mecha Knuckles
A robotic counterpart of Knuckles the Echidna. Like Knuckles, Mecha Knuckles can perform the Spin Dash, glide, and throw powerful punches. Unlike Knuckles, Mecha Knuckles can spit out missiles.

Mecha Sonic
A robotic counterpart to Sonic the Hedgehog. Like Sonic, Mecha Sonic is capable of performing the spin dash. Like the Eggrobo, Mecha Sonic is one of the few robots that can pilot the Egg Mobile.

Super Mecha Sonic
A transformation Mecha Sonic taps into after utilizing the Master Emerald's power. As Super Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic can fly, launch projectiles, and is completely invulnerable. The transformation only lasts for a few seconds however, but Mecha Sonic can enter the form again by using the Maser Emerald as many times as needed.

Heavy Gunner
An eggrobo enhanced by the power of the Phantom Ruby. This Heavy Gunner carries a bazooka that fires missiles simultaneously. 

Heavy Shinobi
An eggrobo enhanced by the power of the Phantom Ruby. The Heavy Shinobi carries both a sword that instantly freezes anything it touches and star-fished shaped throwing stars that detonate.

Heavy Magician
An eggrobo enhanced by the power of the Phantom Ruby. The Heavy Magician can summon badniks from their hat, teleport, enhance the size of other badniks, and shape-shift into Bean the Dynamite, Fang the Sniper, and Bark the Polar Bear.

As Bean the Dynamite, the Heavy Magician throws bombs at others. As Fang the Sniper, the Heavy Magician bounces on their tail while shooting corks from their popgun. As Bark the Polar Bear, the Heavy Magician gains a boost in physical strength.

Heavy Rider
An eggrobo enhanced by the power of the Phantom Ruby. The Heavy Rider rides on a moto bug and carries a mace.

Heavy King
An eggrobo enhanced by the power of the Phantom Ruby. The Heavy King carries a scepter capable of channeling the energy of the Master Emerald to fire lasers and conjure energy spheres. 

Phantom King
A modified state of the Heavy King when utilizing the Phantom Ruby. The Phantom King is powerful enough to even harm Super Sonic himself with his energy-based attacks.

Other Badniks
Eggman has made many Badniks over the years, with each possessing traits similar to the ones above. The following is a list of every Badnik made throughout the years.

A list of every badnik found through the Sonic games


An anthropomorphic jackal that aided Eggman during the events of Sonic Forces. After an encounter with Shadow the Hedgehog, Infinite chose to obtain a Phantom Ruby prototype to become stronger. With the Phantom Ruby prototype, Infinite can perform abilities similar to that of the Phantom Ruby itself.

Null Space
A supposedly inescapable, closed off pocket dimension created by the Phantom Ruby. Infinite can send others to Null Space by creating a void that pulls others into it. While it's never explained exactly how Sonic and the Avatar were able to escape Null Space, it's likely that their Double Boost just tore a hole in space-time that allowed them to escape.

Virtual Reality Projections
As stated before, the Phantom Ruby is capable of creating virtual reality projections with mass and form. According to Shadow the Hedgehog, while the clones are fake, their powers are just as formidable as their real counterparts, which is supported by Sonic's fight with Zavok and Metal Sonic. With the Phantom Ruby, Infinite can create an unlimited number of clones of Shadow, Zavok, Metal Sonic, Chaos 0, and himself. Infinite has also used the Phantom Ruby to create a miniature sun powerful enough to wipe out an army.

Magnetic Field Manipulation
Zavok, which the Phantom Ruby can make clones of, is capable of taking control of other machines via manipulating their magnetic fields. He uses this ability to take control of an army of badniks and Metal Sonic (as seen in the panel above).

Metal Sonic

Arguably Dr. Eggman's greatest creation. Metal Sonic is another robotic counterpart of Sonic the Hedgehog that exceeded Eggman's expectations in every way. Throughout his appearances, Metal Sonic consistently improves and gains new abilities.

By scanning and copying the data of others, Metal Sonic can immediately and flawlessly copy and mimic the abilities and skills of others, regardless of if they're organic creatures or not. In Sonic Heroes, Metal Sonic successfully copies the data of Team Sonic, Team Dark, Team Rose, Team Chaotix and Chaos.

A list of abilities Metal Sonic has copied
  • Sonic Boom - A supersonic burst of speed
  • Hammer Punch - A powerful punch that triggers eruptions
  • ESP - A psychic wave that disorients enemies
  • Bat Guard - A swarm of bats that surrounds Metal Sonic
  • Chroma Camo - The ability to become invisible
  • Chaos Spear - Fires bolts of chaos energy shaped like spears 
  • Chaos Control - The ability to slow/stop time 

Black Shield
Forms an octahedral energy shield around his body to protect himself from most attacks.

Giga Metal Sonic
A modified state of Metal Sonic when using the Phantom Ruby. In this form, Metal Sonic grows in size, and can fire energy beams or deploy times bombs.

Neo Metal Sonic
An upgraded form of Metal Sonic. Neo Metal Sonic gains the ability to shape shift and use lightning. 

Metal Overlord
Metal Sonic’s ultimate form after copying the data of Team Sonic, Team Dark, Team Rose, Team Chaotix, and Chaos. In this form, he can keep up with Super Sonic and an empowered Tails and Knuckles, with Eggman still thinking there would be a slim chance of them being able to defeat this mecha dragon. With his massive wings, Metal Overlord can fly. He can ram into enemies, use Crystal Attack, where he forms large chunks of blue crystal and fires them at enemies from his mouth, fire the spikes on his back as homing missiles, like his previous form but he does so at a much higher rate, use his left claws has as missiles that trap enemies in a crystal cage, which is strong enough to hold even Super Sonic, and even use Chaos Control to stop time.

Super Neo Metal Sonic
A super form Metal Sonic achieves by tapping into the power of the Master Emerald. In this state, Metal Sonic is granted enhanced strength and speed, project golden energy bolts, and electrocute others. Like Super Mecha Sonic, Super Neo Metal Sonic only lasts for a few seconds before expiring.


Death Egg Robot
A giant mech resembling Eggman himself. The Death Egg Robot possesses a jetpack that makes it capable of flight. It can also fire its hands as projectiles and guide them back to its arms to reattach them and deploy small bombs.

Great Eggman Robo
Another giant mech created by Dr. Eggman. The Great Eggman Robo is capable of shooting a flamethrower from its nose and can harness the Master Emerald's energy to fire lasers. A model resembling the Great Eggman Robo can shoot homing missiles, bullets, and wears blue armor that even Classic Super/Hyper Sonic himself can't damage.

A battle mech used for close quarters combat. This mech is capable of fighting Sonic's Hyper Mode.

Super Egg Robot
A humanoid mech piloted by Eggman. The Super Egg Robot is capable of firing eye lasers and firing small orbs strong enough to encapsulate Super Sonic momentarily.

True Area 53 Boss
An orange combat vehicle piloted by Dr. Eggman. This machine can fire missiles, lasers, a freeze ray, and can camouflage. This machine is capable of contending with Super Sonic.

Egg Emperor
A mech that can be piloted by either Eggman or Neo Metal Sonic. The emperor can launch several homing missiles and swing his lance with enough force to launch arc-shaped waves of energy.

Egg Breaker
A battle mech piloted by Eggman. The Egg Breaker can create shock waves by jumping, fire lasers, bombs, and swing/throw around the spiked ball on its right hand. The Egg Breaker can quickly generate new spiked balls if needed.

Egg Salamander
A lizard-like mecha piloted by Eggman and Eggman Nega. The Egg Salamander can fly, shoot out mechanical satellites that fire blue lasers, green energy balls, create energy swords, and a spatial rift that sucks everything nearby into it. Not only is the Egg Salamander powerful enough to contend with Super Sonic, but it's powerful to harm Burning Blaze herself. While this was piloted by both Eggman and Eggman Nega, other machines like Mecha Sonic and Egg Robo should be capable of piloting the mech with Eggman just fine.

Egg Wyvern
A wyvern-like mech piloted by Eggman. The Egg Wyvern can fire lasers and electric darts.

Egg Dragoon
A dragon-like mech piloted by Eggman. The Egg Dragoon possesses a lethally efficient selection of weapons that harnesses fire, ice, and lightning elements. It can fly, fire its drill like a homing missile, and somehow carries Egg Fighters on its person. 

Nega Wisp Armor
A large battle mech piloted by Eggman. The Nega Wisp Armor is powered by multiple wisps at once. Depending on the type of wisp used, the Nega Wisp Armor can fire giant cubes, lasers, spiked energy balls, rockets, and black holes capable of bending space and time.

Death Egg Robot (Sonic Forces)
A battle mech piloted by Eggman. This version of the Death Egg Robot is powered by the Phantom Ruby and is stated by Eggman to have surpassed Infinite in power. The Death Egg Robot can create shockwaves, fire lasers and missiles. The Death Egg Robot should also be capable of performing any of the previously established abilities of the Phantom Ruby whenever it wants to.


Egg Carrier
An aerial fortress piloted by Eggman. The Egg Carrier is equipped with a large front-mounted laser, laser turrets, air mines, and missile launchers.

Egg Cauldron
A rounded flying fortress piloted by Eggman. The Egg Cauldron fires missiles and sends out robots.

Egg Fleet
An immense group of battleships. The Egg Fleet is bristling with guns, cannons, and robot armies.

Death Egg
An egg-shaped space station created by Eggman. The Death Egg is the largest airship Eggman has ever created. Its hull is covered in laser turrets and its insides are filled with weaponry and traps, like electrical currents, rocket launchers, and laser cannons. It's eyes can fire lasers as well. The Death Egg's most powerful weapon is the Final Egg Blaster, a weapon capable of destroying stars.


Strength and Firepower




Sonic the Hedgehog
Obviously Eggman and his forces would scale to their common enemy, Sonic the Hedgehog, as they have consistently fought against and pushed the Blue Blur to his limits. The following are a list of feats Sonic the Hedgehog has performed.

Super Sonic
Eggman has made his fair share of inventions capable fighting against and even harming Sonic's super form on numerous occasions. Machines like Metal Sonic are also capable of accessing the super forms themselves as well and should be comparable to Super Sonic.



  • Possesses an IQ of 300
  • Transformed countless animals into badniks
  • Has seized control over dozens of cities, factories, and lands
  • Created a machine that surpassed Sonic the Hedgehog in every way
  • Has manipulated Knuckles the Echidna multiple times
  • Baited Tails into revealing that a Chaos Emerald was fake
  • Teamed up with Sonic to defeat G-merl and the Deadly Six
  • Conquered 99% of the world and tortured Sonic for six months


While Eggman possesses an IQ greater than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking combined, his hammy, clumsy, egotistical, and insane personality, as well as his obsession of defeating Sonic the Hedgehog, can sometimes overshadow it.


Has a large variety of weapons and robots
Certain equipment can heal or amp stats
Has time travel abilities
Various haxes like time stopping, mind control, BFRs, etc.
Metal Sonic can perfectly copy an opponent and their abilities
Zavok clones can control an army of robots
Can create clones with the Phantom Ruby

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